It's actually the second time that I'm using my woof nose to type this entry. I can't believe that everything got deleted with just one press of the key. Its quite depressing actually cos I spent such a long time trying to type a nice entry and everything's gone. Yes, blogger does save your draft but sometimes when you press on some unknown key or combination of keys, everything just dispapears. And you find yourself staring at a nice blank empty screen.
Okie let me try to recall what I was trying to type. Oh yeah, about how I spent my weekend, it's training time with Limin again.
She simply likes to bug me with her training techniques during weekends when she's really free. Basically, she was trying to entice me with a nice green chew bone (edible ones) and getting me to let go off the bone after a few nibbles. It gets quite frustrating after sometime cos can you imagine there I was trying to have a nice chew of the bone and there she was taking it away from me after 10 or more seconds. I got quite frustrated and started barking at her after sometime. Okie I muz say that it wasn't one frustrated growl but a series of piercing barks. That got her quite pissed becos I simply refused to shut up despite her attempts to get me quiet. So she decided to place the bone on a window sill instead, well out of my reach. I learnt my lesson after that time and will try to cooperate with her to ensure endless supply of nice toys and food.
Recently I've been getting quite tired of my dinner as well. Limin's feeding me dried dog kibbles instead of my favourite wet dog food. The decision was reached when it seemed that wet dog food (mixed with rice) was causing the rice to stick to my nice fur and wasn't really that good for my digestive system as well.
Well I must say I miss my wet dog food. It's probably just a matter of personal preference but I m sure that many of my furry friends would agree that wet dog food is much better than dried ones. Oh well just gotta stick to what I have for now. I have realised that my refusal to eat the food does not (in any way) help in forcing Limin to feed me wet dog food instead. Shall look forward to my birthday and the occasional wet dog treats I have I guess. Better than nothing. Perhaps being a nice and obedient dog would persuade her into giving me much more treats! Yum yum. I shall make it a point to be nice.
Oh talk about food, it's finally dinner time for me, so I shall go for my dinner break now. Take care dear readers and have a woofing great week. I promise you'll be hearing more from me in the meantime.
PS. I shall try to take nice and flattering pictures of me to post on my blog. Heh.