Saturday, 16 June 2007

Rainy days and some random thoughts

Woof woof! Yup its me once again... Limin was just reading through my first post yesterday, and she commented that it rocks! I'm so glad cos after all I haven't really been through any formal education ya know and I actually picked up my writing skills from reading the papers or watching people who talk in a little black box in the living room (that I later learnt to be a television). So for a dog of my level I muz say that I'm really proud of myself. *beams*

Oh she felt that I shouldn't woof too much in my writing though (as it may confuse our readers)so I shall try to restrict myself, though barking is something which comes naturally to canines, as most of my furry companions would agree...Woof!

Back to the subject, it was actually quite a gloomy day today. The sky got all grey and it rained quite heavily in the morning. Lucky me got to stay at home and sleep through the bad weather. *chuckles*

Limin (unfortunately) had to go to school to do her lab work and brave the rain in the process. She told me how horrible and dreadful it was to get her shoes soaked, and I can absolutely emphatize with her. I have to get awfully wet while bathing and believe me, it isn't a pleasant experience. I dislike it especially when Limin uses a weird looking bar with holes to spray water at me. (Still trying to find out what that gadget is called) It gets me all irritated and worked up. At this stage, it is important to note that though I'm called Bubbles, I do not like soaps or suds in any way. And it doesn't help when she uses all kinds of sprays on me (which she claims would help my fur loss). Yes I am experiencing fur loss BUT it is definitely not a sign of me getting old. For your info dear readers I am at a tender age of one plus.

To all out there who wonder why i'm called Bubbles, well I shall reveal the answer in my next post, for it's getting quite tiring for me to type with my nose and paws. I am using Limin's laptop to do all the typing and it is not easy using my paws to press on the computer keys. I tend to hit two keys at one go with my paws. As for my nose, it hurts from too much typing. Not to mention I gotta lift up my head ever so frequently to check my writing for errors. Despite all the trouble I m facing now, I firmly believe that with time I should be able to write more with practice using my paws! Guess that's all for now...take care dear readers. Have a woofing good weekend!

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